Offsite & MMC

Heathrow wants HS2 to utilise offsite hubs

Heathrow Airport third runway expansion

Heathrow Airport has said it wants other national infrastructure projects to use its offsite construction hubs.

Four logistics hubs will be built in different areas of the UK, enabling components to be assembled offsite before being transported to the airport’s third runway project. A spokesperson said Heathrow was now working with…

Offsite: Four critical steps to ensure you succeed

Marcus Harling partner Laura Sharples solicitor Burges Salmon

Offsite fabrication offers the potential to save time and money while achieving higher standards of quality and consistency. But is that the reality?

Though this approach has masses of potential, there are several obstacles that can stand in the way. Here are four areas that should be central to your planning. Get…

The offsite conundrum: What’s stopping you?

IFS roundtable_CN Summit 2017_F0864

Everyone’s talking about offsite, but few understand what’s involved and even fewer are doing it. So what are the barriers and opportunities with offsite construction?

In attendance Philip Breese, senior partner, Weston Williamson + Partners | Chris Dale, strategic programme manager – modern methods of construction – ESFA, Department for Education | Lucy Homer, head…