
Construction News is the leading provider of UK construction industry news, opinion, analysis and events. Founded in 1871, the Construction News celebrated its 150th anniversary in 2021.

CN runs a full programme of annual face-to-face and online events including conferences, award ceremonies, webinars, roundtables and more. We bring contractors, suppliers and clients together to share knowledge, best practice and other industry insight. We honour excellence in the industry through our awards events, which are judged by independent panels.

The magazine was first published as Labour News on 30 August 1871, under founder, Victorian reformer Alsager Hay Hill, aimed at tackling unemployment by printing information about job vacancies. It was first published under its current name during the 1960s.

Today it publishes news on topics impacting the UK construction industry, including sustainability, skills shortages, materials prices, workforce diversity, legal commentary, deep-dive analysis, administrations and contract wins.

Retentions: five years of inaction is unacceptable


Rudi Klein was chief executive of SEC Group, where he led a campaign over many years to reform retentions. He is now director of Kleinlegal Given the unprecedented cost pressures on the industry, it’s not surprising that many firms are asking the question: “Why hasn’t there been any action in…

Science-based targets are key in the net-zero roadmap


Natalie Wilkinson is head of responsibility at NG Bailey There’s an often-quoted statistic that the building sector accounts for 36 per cent of the world’s final energy consumption and 37 per cent of global energy-related carbon dioxide emissions. Facing up to those statistics and the industry's impact on the planet…

Data reveals when to be on guard for digging accidents


Richard Broome is managing director of online resource LinesearchbeforeUdig (LSBUD) As the country started to return to some form of normality post-COVID, and the government put significant resources behind large-scale infrastructure in a bid to kick-start the UK’s economy, we have experienced a ‘digging boom’. Indeed, according to government figures,…

Industry is reeling as HMRC abandons ‘soft touch’ approach


Phil Deyes, director at business-recovery firm Leonard Curtis With stats showing that HMRC has abandoned the softer touch favoured during the pandemic, every sector is feeling the effects. Construction, in particular, has been left reeling. UK statistics for the third quarter of 2022 show that construction business insolvencies were up…

Are 3D-printed homes about to hit the mainstream?


David Morris is legal director and construction specialist at law firm Shakespeare Martineau Although the technology behind 3D-printed homes has been around for a number of years, there has been a recent uplift in the creation of and interest in 3D-printed developments. As the construction industry tries to keep up…

How to protect goods delivered to a failed business


Patrick Duggan is a senior associate in the construction and engineering team at RWK Goodman One major event to guard against in an unsteady economy is customer insolvency and, in particular, the need to protect your title (or ownership) in goods and materials that have been delivered to a site…

Finally, a playbook to reverse low productivity


Alison Cox is London managing director for Sir Robert McAlpine Between 1997 and 2019, UK construction productivity growth fell by an average of 0.6 per cent each year. Over the same period, the productivity of the whole UK economy rose by 2.8 per cent. This means a larger workforce is…

Public finances: more with less


Mark Robinson is group chief executive of  public sector procurement body Scape For the most part of this year, conversations with our clients and colleagues in the public sector have been coloured by the prospect of, and preparation for, a recession. The chancellor’s recent Autumn Statement confirmed that we have…

Concurrent delay: everything to play for


Aidan Steensma is Of Counsel for infrastructure, construction and energy disputes at CMS London Concurrent delay is a favourite topic of construction lawyers, with a wide variety of views being held and a scarcity of authoritative guidance from the courts. A decision of the Technology and Construction Court (TCC) in…

Hotels left in limbo by new cladding regulations


Sue Ryan (pictured above left) and Philip Baker are construction partners, and Gemma Whittaker is a principal associate, all at Gowling WLG Amendments to the 2010 Building Regulations are due to come into force on 1 December 2022 – but may leave landlords and tenants of operational hotels questioning whether…