
Construction News is the leading provider of UK construction industry news, opinion, analysis and events. Founded in 1871, the Construction News celebrated its 150th anniversary in 2021.

CN runs a full programme of annual face-to-face and online events including conferences, award ceremonies, webinars, roundtables and more. We bring contractors, suppliers and clients together to share knowledge, best practice and other industry insight. We honour excellence in the industry through our awards events, which are judged by independent panels.

The magazine was first published as Labour News on 30 August 1871, under founder, Victorian reformer Alsager Hay Hill, aimed at tackling unemployment by printing information about job vacancies. It was first published under its current name during the 1960s.

Today it publishes news on topics impacting the UK construction industry, including sustainability, skills shortages, materials prices, workforce diversity, legal commentary, deep-dive analysis, administrations and contract wins.

Is the TCC ideal for international construction disputes?


Laura Lintott is Of Counsel at the law firm Watson Farley & Williams LLP The UK Technology and Construction Court (TCC) will celebrate its 150th anniversary next year. Its origin in, and evolution from, the office of Official Referees into its current incarnation is remarkable. It is a court with…

Can you rebuild a failing construction business?


Phil Deyes is an IP and property specialist at Leonard Curtis Construction is a major sector within the British economy and a good barometer for the country’s trading outlook. Construction is back in the spotlight as the government releases its insolvency statistics for England and Wales. The construction industry experienced…

Learning from Europe when dealing with heatwaves


Shawn Galliers is director of sustainability at property and construction consultancy Ingleton Wood As a northern hemisphere nation that is closer to the North Pole than the equator, Britain was built to deal with (and moan about) the cold – not the heat. But, perhaps the summer of 2022, when…

We’re doing our bit for net zero. Will the new PM?


Graham Harle is chief executive of Gleeds Worldwide While everyone is struggling with how best to tackle the cost-of-living crisis, output from the construction sector has fallen for the first time in 18 months, according to the purchasing manager’s index. Gleeds’ own market survey found that eight in 10 contractors…

In the thick of it


Mark Robinson is group chief executive of SCAPE  After a long hot summer of hustings and TV debates, the wait is finally over. Liz Truss has been elected leader of the Conservative Party and our new prime minister. The honeymoon period after taking office will undoubtedly be limited, with Truss’s…

Wind and solar won’t help building sites to ditch diesel. But this will


Toby Gill is chief executive of IPG, a company that is developing a renewable alternative to the diesel generator The current energy crisis unfolding in Europe and the increasing frequency of global climate events demonstrate the importance of reducing our reliance on fossil fuels. Expanding wind and solar generation is the…

Structures, not aircon, should be first stop for cooling buildings


Andrew Lerpiniere is a director at Webb Yates Engineers  The construction industry has, for a long time, talked about the benefits of collaboration, about joined-up design and how that improves coordination and buildability. But it is far from the only benefit. Integrated design has the potential to deliver truly sustainable,…

Five ways that small firms can beat the downturn


Rick Martignetti is manager, business funding, at Shaw & Co Small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in the construction sector must remain optimistic, despite the unprecedented headwinds they are facing. The cost-of-living crisis, Brexit, the pandemic hangover, supply-chain issues, high energy prices, the war in Ukraine and a possible recession are…

What can we do about rising construction costs?


Tom O’Brien is partner and head of building consultancy at Glenny LLP Prices have been going up across the board, and with headlines dominated by the rising cost of living and sky-high energy bills, many industries have been feeling the sting. In the built environment, the BCIS Materials Cost Index estimates that…

Weathering the headwinds in an insolvency scenario


Amy Jacks is restructuring partner, and James Morris is construction & engineering and international arbitration partner, at Mayer Brown It is always critical, in order to preserve value or protect your position, to take swift action in an insolvency scenario. Over the last couple of years – with Brexit, the…