
Autumn Budget 2021: industry reaction – ‘something of a soggy soufflé’


Reaction has swiftly followed chancellor Rishi Sunak’s Autumn Budget announcement – Construction News takes a look at how the industry is responding. Refresh to update.

Building safety Addleshaw Goddard partner Peter Hardy: “The levy on developers with profit of more than £25m to help pay for cladding will need to be…

Building-safety gateways demand stronger data management

Tom Boland, head of digitisation at Zutec

Tom Boland is head of digitisation at software provider Zutec Planning Gateway 1 arrived at the start of August, forming a crucial part of the UK government’s strategy for addressing risks in the residential property sector in the aftermath of the Grenfell tragedy. The requirements set out in Gateway 1…

All frame, no gain: are frameworks fit for the future?


As the future use of frameworks is being reviewed, Greg Pitcher examines whether current policies are fit for purpose

Imagine a country where more than £200bn of public construction spending was funnelled away from the open market into closed pools of contractors in just 24 months. According to figures from market…

Construction must gear up to deliver the outcome of COP26

Philippa Spence, UK MD of Ramboll

Philippa Spence is UK managing director at engineering consultancy Ramboll As the late-October start date of the COP26 climate-change summit fast approaches, not since the 2015 Paris Agreement of COP21 has so much been riding on a meeting. This is the decade when the world must change course if we…

Blanket permission for shop conversions is a planning blunderbuss

Rico Wojtulewicz of the NFB

Rico Wojtulewicz is head of housing and planning policy at trade body the National Federation of Builders The start of August saw a change to Permitted Development Rights (PDR) in England that will allow many more commercial buildings – such as gyms, shops and cafes – to be converted into…

Building Safety Bill may leave contractors feeling exposed

Lawyers Catherine Gelder and David McCoy of CMS London

Catherine Gelder is a partner and David McCoy is a senior associate in the London office of law firm CMS This month, nearly a year after it was published in draft form, the government introduced its Building Safety Bill to parliament. The draft had set out the government’s plan to…

Who will star in construction’s command performance?

Jaimie Johnston of Bryden Wood

Jaimie Johnston is director and head of global systems at modern-methods consultancy Bryden Wood The past decade has seen government consistently heading in the same direction, towards value-led outcomes. In 2011, the adoption of BIM was the first step, kick-starting the modernisation of our sector with an outcomes-based hypothesis that…

Our sector can deliver on the government’s procurement vision

Scape urges offsite build of 640 schools by 2021

Mark Robinson is group chief executive at public sector procurement specialist Scape The Queen’s Speech at the state opening of parliament last month offered a quick reference guide to the government’s current priorities. No one will have been surprised to hear our head of state read out that her government’s…

Has the pandemic put a rocket under pootling productivity?

Graham Harle, CEO of Gleeds

Graham Harle is the chief executive officer of Gleeds Worldwide. The greatest long-term challenge to those working in construction is not the current materials shortage, the paucity of available skilled labour, or even cash flow. These are important inhibitors to growth, especially as we come out of the pandemic, but…

We must extend onsite safety thinking to building occupants

Liberal Democrat peer Lord Andrew Stunell

Lord Andrew Stunell is the Liberal Democrat spokesman on the construction industry When Grenfell Tower burned, killing 72 people and ruining the lives of hundreds more, it marked a tragic end to decades of falling fatalities in house fires in England. That steady decline in fire deaths was highlighted in…