
Treasury fails to quell industry fears over R&D merger plans


The government has moved to reassure contractors over the effects of merging two research and development (R&D) tax-relief schemes – but leaders say that uncertainty remains. In the run-up to the Autumn Statement, the Construction Leadership Council (CLC) raised fears that the proposals would see clients reap the benefits from…

Autumn Statement: industry bemoans lack of investment


The construction industry has criticised the lack of new funding unveiled in the Autumn Statement – for everything from infrastructure and net-zero goals to local-planning capacity. Experts also suggested that the “tiny” planning reform unveiled in the Autumn Statement will not do much to boost housebuilding. However, a pledge to…

Public procurement methods slammed at MMC probe


The cashflow model used in government procurement is not fit for promoting modern methods of construction (MMC), senior figures from contractors told a Parliamentary committee this week. The industry experts were giving evidence to the House of Lords’ Built Environment Committee, which has launched a probe into problems with the…

RAAC crisis depriving schools in ‘dire need’ of repair, MPs warn


Critical school repairs are being further delayed by the crisis over crumbling concrete, an influential group of MPs has warned. The School Rebuilding Programme, already held up by a failure to attract contractors, risks being blown further off course by mounting fears over the presence of reinforced autoclaved aerated concrete…

Hospitals face RAAC closure before replacement, report says


The government’s New Hospital Programme does not look set deliver on its targets, putting the future of some healthcare at risk, a damning report has found. The House of Commons Public Accounts Committee says it has no confidence that the UK government will deliver the 32 new hospitals promised by…

Hybrid working is delaying projects, says infrastructure boss


Infrastructure projects are being delayed by up to a year as a result of hybrid working, according to the government’s chief advisor on major schemes. Nick Smallwood, chief executive of the Infrastructure and Projects Authority (IPA), told MPs that projects including HS2 are being slowed down as a result of…

Rowley replaces sacked housing minister


Lee Rowley has been reappointed housing minister as Rachel Maclean was sacked after nine months in the job. The revolving door of housing ministers spun once again this week, as prime minister Rishi Sunak made the 16th appointment to the housing minister job since the Conservatives took power in 2010.…

CLC: Proposed R&D tax-credit changes ‘detrimental to construction’

Mark Reynolds CN Summit 2014

The Construction Leadership Council (CLC) is urging the government to drop wording that it says would damage the construction sector from proposed legislation to reform R&D tax credits. Between January and March this year, the government consulted on merging the Research and Development Expenditure Credit (RDEC) and the small and…

Homes England loses £24,000 equal pay case


Homes England has lost an equal pay claim brought by a senior employee who was paid £14,000 less than a male colleague. Quantity surveyor (QS) Jennifer Owen joined the agency in November 2020 on a salary of £51,258 per year, the minimum in her pay band. She was told she…

Two-thirds of manufacturers think UK infrastructure has worsened


More than two-thirds of manufacturing businesses think the UK’s national infrastructure has deteriorated over the past 10 years, a survey has found. Companies responding to the questionnaire by manufacturers’ trade body Make UK also said the decaying state of the rail and road networks was holding back their investment and…