Health and Safety

Piping and air-ventilation issues – the defects uncovered at Glasgow hospital

queen elizabeth hospital glasgow uni multiplex

After months of work, a review published today concluded that the design, build, commissioning and maintenance of Multiplex’s Queen Elizabeth University Hospital (QEUH) in Glasgow was not linked to avoidable deaths there. Megan Kelly delves into what else the report found.

The hospital review, carried out by Dr Andrew Fraser and Dr…

Grenfell fire three years on: how close are we to the truth?

Grenfell Tower

Sunday 14 June will mark the third anniversary of the Grenfell Tower fire, which killed 72 people. David Price asks how close are we to learning the full story behind the catastrophic design and construction failures

On 15 June 2017, as the charred edifice of the 24-storey tower in Kensington and…

We’ll be challenging the rail industry – regulator speaks out on fatigued worker deaths

rail track 2by3

A month after its first prosecution for both a fatigue and road-traffic incident, Office of Rail and Road chief inspector Ian Prosser tells Ian Weinfass how the body is laying down the gauntlet for railways firms to improve

Railways contractors should prepare to be challenged over how they manage workers carrying out…

Building a mental health response to a global pandemic


As the battle against the spread of COVID-19 dominates the airwaves, another health crisis looms on our doorstep. It doesn’t take a mental health specialist to anticipate that the effects of COVID-19 on mental wellbeing will be significant and widespread. Recently, the World Health Organisation said that a global mental health…

How to get on top while underground


Working from height is not all about sky-high builds. Paul Thompson finds challenges below ground level also call for unique solutions

Away from the glamorous high-rise developments in our towns and cities, there are projects that may not catch the eye, but which face equally complex issues to do with working…

Extended hours on site: open to abuse?

Time clock clocks working hours workers

To help construction sites make up for the reduced time and resources in the wake of the shutdown, the government is permitting extended working hours at some sites. Will these measures help clear the backlog of work and increase productivity? Or do they represent a fresh health and safety threat.…

Hotels uncovered: contractors locked in multi-million-pound cladding disputes


As the government looks to extend the combustible materials ban to hotels, Ian Weinfass reveals the glut of legal disputes between hotel chains and contractors already under way

The risks are unlikely to be highlighted by reception staff or online-booking websites, but disputes over hotel building defects have been raging…

Construction, coronavirus and confusion: what the housing minister got wrong


Yesterday’s coronavirus briefing from housing secretary Robert Jenrick promised to “reopen and renew the housing market and our construction industry”. Here’s our analysis of what was and wasn’t in the housing minister’s address. ‘Restart?’ We never stopped “I am keen to get construction up and running,” Jenrick told the cameras…

A safe descent for those in need


It is an invention that Chris Massey wishes he had never had the need to dream up. But it could – and perhaps should – be on every site health and safety adviser’s shopping list

Think of working safely at height: edge protection systems and scaffolding, mobile working platforms and edge…

Embracing a new normal: how one specialist is taking site safety into its own hands


Social distancing looks set to stay, as some firms continue to work while others press pause on projects. But there is a growing fear that there will be a knowledge gap that divides the industry, as those who are not working prepare to reopen on the backfoot. Megan Kelly spoke…