
The latest expert insight and commentary on issues affecting the UK construction sector

Main contractors must support the supply chain

Osborne chief execituve David Fison

We’re in the worst recession we’ve ever experienced. In different ways and to different degrees, we are all affected, but every one of us is under enormous pressure to cut costs and reduce margins to secure work whilst sustaining quality. By David Fison

Subcontractors and specialists further down the supply chain are…

What happens when the adjudicator’s decision is unsatisfactory?

Louise Shiels is an associate in the construction practice of UK law firm Dundas & Wilson.

What happens when the adjudicator gives reasons for his decision but they are not to the parties’ satisfaction either because the adjudicator “missed” a bit - or the reasons are just plain unsatisfactory? By Louise Shiels

These points were addressed in two recent cases, one before the Court of Session, CSC…

Twitter? You what?

Ross Sturley

Last night I was at an event event with a load of other people, but I couldn’t help keep half an eye on my raspberry, checking the audience’s opinion of the speaker on twitter - the online social media tool.

Twitter - famously ‘not for kids’ according to a 15-year-old Goldman…

Most of the time things go pretty well

Rick Osman is a partner in Highwire

Most of the time, most construction projects go pretty well says CIMCIG’s Rick Osman, the trouble is that the construction industry doesn’t always let the rest of the world or even the rest of the construction industry know…

Prime Minister Gordon Brown recently visited the Olympic Park site, where he told the…

Insolvency and pay when paid clauses

Mark Roach is a senior solicitor at Davies Arnold Cooper

The Construction Act 1996, with one exception, delivered a death blow to pay when paid clauses in construction subcontracts. That exception is when the employer becomes insolvent by the time the clause is sought to be invoked. By Mark Roach

In June Coulson J in William Hare v Shepherd Construction, had…

Information is power so know about your markets

Chris Ashworth, founder of Competitive Advantage Consultancy

Many companies devote much time and resource creating monthly financial accounts. While this is important, it equates to looking into the rear view mirror while driving. As any motorist will tell you, looking ahead is much more important. By Chris Ashworth

Market research is the business equivalent of looking ahead. It…

Can you avoid paying after losing an adjudication? 

Alastair Young is a partner in the construction unit at law firm HBJ Gateley Wareing

When money is owed to you, adjudication can prove to be a quick way to resolve a dispute. By Alastair Young

You can get a decision within 28 days of starting the process. This can result in a business receiving a significant cash injection. However, if you are on the wrong…

Main contractors must support the supply chain

David Fision at Osborne

We’re in the worst recession we’ve ever experienced. In different ways and to different degrees, we are all affected, but every one of us is under enormous pressure to cut costs and reduce margins to secure work while sustaining quality. By David Fison

Subcontractors and specialists further down the supply chain…

Time to get up close and personal

Deborah Rowe, principal consultant of Sheba Marketing

The best customers are not necessarily those who buy the most often. They can also be those that buy your most profitable products. But do you still know who they are and what keeps them buying. By Deborah Rowe

You should know your customers well at the best of times but…

Future proof your building

For many years there has been a focus on increasing the thickness of wall and roof insulation in a bid to reduce CO2 emissions.

For many years there has been a focus on increasing the thickness of wall and roof insulation in a bid to reduce CO2 emissions. By Dave Taylor

However, improving u-values to 0.15/0.25 W/ sq m.K for the wall and roof insulation (from 0.25/.35) provides only 5 per cent reduction in energy…