
The latest expert insight and commentary on issues affecting the UK construction sector

IT isn’t the answer

Ross Sturley

Ten things to cut in the recession, before you cut your marketing - no. 6 - IT

So there I was at my architect pal’s office, talking about the terrible state of the economy over a double-shot latte and some lovely little biscuits, when he said he’d just laid off his…

Recession hits order books as housebuilding looks up


Contractors revealed the dents in their order books from the recession this week, while signs of optimism emerged from the housebuilding sector.

Galliford Try and Morgan Sindall have collectively seen their forward order books fall by £1 billion, the firms said this week as results season kicked off in earnest.But house…

Apprentices need speedy joint action

Lord Young, the skills and apprenticeship minister, is urging employers to take advantage of the national apprenticeship service to bolster skills in their businesses.

A fast and coherent reponse is vital to secure the future wellbeing of the sector

A fast and coherent reponse is vital to secure the future wellbeing of the sectorDuring the recession of the 1990s a great number of apprenticeship places in the construction sector were lost as employers sought to…

Office market set for tough year ahead

Allan Wilen, economics director at business intelligence unit Glenigan, said: “The latest survey results indicate that the decline in contractors’ workload is at least slowing."

The change in fortunes for the previously booming office construction sector has been dramatic.

Last year witnessed a sharp fall in the value of office construction projects starting on site and securing planning approvals as developers put projects on hold.While construction on existing projects has so far limited the impact on…

Cut the power

Ross Sturley

Ten things to cut in the recession, before you cut your marketing - no 5. By Ross Sturley

Cutbacks continue. Pay freezes, even pay cuts, mass layoffs and general bad news are still the order of the day.And to cap it all, we’re not getting any interest on our savings. At…

Can your marketing cut the mustard?

Cut your marketing budget during the downturn? Not if you want to survive says Rick Osman

Well it's still gloomly out there, according to the Office of National Statistics construction professionals are at the top of the list of workers signing on. It’s particularly bad for quantity surveyors who showed the…

Best to bank on construction knowledge

When it comes to arranging finance, understanding the construction sector is vital and a dedicated specialist can be an important business partner. By Sean Dixon

With every market commentator forecasting reduced output for the industry in 2009 and moving into 2010 it is easy for the uninformed to take a pessimistic…

Green expertise a must to maintain edge in tough markets

Sustainability is now so embedded within the UK that the provision of green materials and services by construction firms is no longer an option but a must-have if they want to remain competitive.

Companies that ignore the green agenda during this recession risk the losing ability to win work as customers…

Public sector: are the times a-changing?

Nigel Shilton is construction partner at Deloitte

Every day we read the gloomy news about the economy, but one glimmer of light for our industry seems to be the Government’s desire to ‘spend its way out of recession’.

Reflecting on this shows it is a sound strategy to have public sector clients as part of your target client…

Reassure your customers

There is no denying that the news is grim and getting grimmer for the construction industry.

Companies are shedding jobs and becoming leaner and meaner to stay competitive – the unlucky ones are disappearing altogether leaving customers potentially high and dry.In such a climate your customers and clients may need reassuring…