
CN100: How to spot the next Carillion

Carillion Richard Howso Richard Adam Philip Green Zafar Khan

Carillion collapsed a few months after last year’s CN100 was published. In this year’s data, CN turned to new measures to gauge short-term stability and long-term liabilities and set about applying the critera to Carillion’s last set of accounts to find out if it was possible to predict the contractor’s demise.


Channel 4 presents: Carillion for the masses

Richard Adam Richard Howson Philip Green Carillion select committee 180206

If you didn’t watch Channel 4’s Dispatches on Carillion last night but you read the CN Briefing, you didn’t miss much.

How to Lose Seven Billion Pounds was a good blow-by-blow account of the circumstances that led to Carillion’s collapse. Our finance reporter David Price, who was interviewed by researchers for the…

Who’s doing the bad bidding?

Generic workers Plans site proposals hard hats PPE

This week NG Bailey’s chief executive David Hurcomb told me the decision to “walk away” from bids had been a key reason behind his firm’s profit growth.

“It may hurt you in the short term, but the reality is better [in] the long term,” he argued. Mr Hurcomb is hardly the…

The retentions war: What does the industry really want?

CREDIT Bank of England_Money cash financial notes 20 pounds sterling

Retentions are back in the spotlight following Carillion’s collapse, yet the industry is divided on how to take action. Why are retentions being abused and how should they be tackled?

Over the last 200 years, the use of retentions has become ingrained in how the industry operates. First used in the…

Spineless government bottles it again

Carillion logo van

The Carillion story so far…

Liquidated with debts of more than £7bn. ‘Catastrophic losses’ passed on to 30,000 subcontractors. Stalled work on more than a £1bn-worth of major projects. And an estimated £200m cost to the taxpayer. MPs on the inquiry into the liquidation recommend an overhaul of the regulatory tools that let this…

Howson playing the victim rings hollow

Richard Howson

It has been almost two months since MPs on the Carillion joint inquiry published their explosive report into the contractor’s collapse.

The 100-page document portrayed a board that ran its company with “recklessness, hubris and greed”.  It concluded that suppliers were treated with “contempt” by Carillion, which had been “abusing its…

Carillion exploited councils – will they now get wise?

Noble Francis economics director Construction Products Association

Carillion entered liquidation on 15 January and since then 2,352 of its former employees have lost their jobs – 12 per cent of the workforce. Yet the full impact of its demise is still to play out.

Subcontractors and suppliers continue to be affected and this will remain the story over the…

Carillion cost revelations: 5 things we learned

Carillion logo van

Today saw the government’s costs watchdog publish its investigation into the collapse of Carillion.

The 51-page report by the National Audit Office is the latest in a series of probes into the fall of the country’s second-biggest contractor. Focusing on the government’s role, it chronicles what actions the government and its various…

Carillion’s Birmingham Paradise gets re-imagined

Open doors 2016 carillion paradise circus

Birmingham is constantly reinventing itself, and the latest major redevelopment at Paradise Circus is the perfect illustration.

Here, Carillion is well into a £40m design and build enabling works contract for the city centre scheme that includes demolition of the old Central Library, excavation and pile installation. Carillion community regeneration manager…