
Mental Health awareness: Football, tea and talking


Last week was Mental Health Awareness Week, but the work to encourage a better understanding of the issues surrounding it must go on. The construction industry has a long way to go when it comes to mental health, with work to de-stigmatise the subject only really beginning over the last…

7 commercial developments to watch

Foster and Partners The Tulip Bird s Eye

Amid Brexit uncertainty and following a number of commercial businesses falling into administration in recent times, it is easy to lose sight of the growth in the commercial sector. CN has picked out seven exciting commercial developments to keep an eye on.

KGX1 Google King's Cross Project: KGX1 Client: Google Contract value:…

Kier’s finely balanced future

Kier Marr College

Kier dropped its half year results today, posting a £35.5m pre-tax loss for the year.

Normally this would be the main topic of conversation, especially coming from a company that has faced some of the challenges Kier has recently encountered. But it wasn’t today. Minds are already turning to Kier’s future.…

What Shakespeare can teach construction

autodesk white paper future contractor 2

To adapt the words of the Bard of Avon, some are born innovative, some achieve innovation, and some have innovation thrust upon them.

Even though Shakespeare was referring to ‘greatness’, it still seems an appropriate borrowing, given the wave of technological disruption that is breaking over the construction industry, and one…

Kier is ready to open up. Are you?

Claudio Veritiero COO Kier

This year, Kier opened a record 53 sites across the country as part of Open Doors Week.

As a Build UK member, Kier aims to open even more sites this year in a bid to encourage people in the sector to help change public perceptions of construction.  We work in a fascinating…

Kier’s peers won’t delight in its credit fears

Kier logo on van

In October CN invited directors from some of the UK’s largest tier ones to discuss what the contractor of the future might look like.

Among the attendees that day were Sir Robert McAlpine CEO Paul Hamer and Kier chief operating officer Claudio Veritiero. The topic of lending came up, as we had been…

Week in numbers: Tulips, Paradise and fighter jets

20181123 week in numbers index

Lord Foster’s new observation deck, Birmingham’s Carillion hangover and Kier-Volker’s F-35 deal are among this week’s headlines.

305 m – Foster’s Tulip 20181123 week in numbers Tulip If built, the tower would stand as the tallest structure in the City, overshadowing the yet-to-be-built One Undershaft. The scheme’s backers have submitted a planning…

Kier’s shorting is about more than Brexit

Kier Marr College

A few weeks ago Kier reported a pre-tax profit of £106m. Yet that didn’t do much to ward off the short-sellers, who are still controlling around 10.2 per cent of its stock.

Kier’s finance director Bev Dew sees the bets against his company as being driven – at least in part – by…

Kier’s streamlining exposes a new era of caution

Julie Palmer partner Begbies Traynor

Carillion’s collapse in January sent shockwaves through the industry and, indeed, the wider economy.

Significant job losses, a catastrophic impact on its supply chain, delays to important projects and the need for government intervention in the aftermath, all highlight what can happen when a company of Carillion’s size and influence fails.…

Kier’s presentation problem

Haydn Mursell chief executive Kier cropped

Kier, I’m afraid to say, has a real presentation problem.

We saw it last week when the company “re-presented” the profit it made on the sale of Mouchel in its accounts for the previous year. This changed the £25.8m pre-tax profit for the year ending 30 June 2017 to a pre-tax loss…