Mental health

Industry leaders: We need to do more on mental health

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Industry leaders have demanded radical changes in how the sector approaches mental health and warned the industry was not doing enough to tackle the issue.

It is estimated that the number of deaths from suicide in the construction industry could be 10 times higher than those from fatal accidents at work.…

‘I was absolutely broken – compassion is essential’

Warren Alexander-Pye associate director Mace

Imagine a physical injury that requires treatment, every day, for two months. We would think that was a significant injury.

Yet this is how broken a person’s mind can become. My first experience of mental health issues was in 2014. I was working on a problem project and was getting little…

Mind Matters: CN launches mental health campaign

STORY INDEX USE Mind Matters logo final

Construction News today vows to make mental health awareness one of its core themes for 2017 with the launch of an editorial campaign, Mind Matters.

We are launching an industry-wide survey and calling on all professionals employed in the construction industry to help shape the future of mental health awareness. This…

Take CN’s mental health survey now

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Construction News is calling on all construction professionals to support our mental health campaign and the work being done in the industry to improve mental health awareness.

Please take our survey today and share it with anyone you know working in the industry in the hope that we can get a…

Analysis: It’s time to talk about mental health

Business workers mental health silhouette

Around 450 construction workers take their own lives every year, estimates suggest. Now industry figures are coming together to bring this critical issue out from the shadows.

“I had crippling anxiety. My self-esteem was on the floor; as for my self-image, I didn’t know who I was. I also had suicidal…