
The latest expert insight and commentary on issues affecting the UK construction sector

BLOG: Are we safer than we were a year ago?

Rhiannon Hoyle, legal reporter, Construction News

You know what most people said to me when we first saw this week’s preliminary fatality figures from the Health and Safety Executive – don’t go popping that champagne just yet.

And they are probably right.Forty-six workers dead. Plus two members of the public.Those are the raw stats for the first…

Specialist apprenticeships are little known but much loved


The current economic climate provides challenges to construction, but longer-term predictions denote strong growth for the industry.

This will mean there is more demand for specialist workers over the next decade in response to changing construction methods and innovations.Specialist contractors are heavily involved in all types of construction and the sector…

What to do if a client winds up insolvent

Claire Donnelly is a senior associate in the construction and engineering practice of law firm Dundas & Wilson.

Construction has traditionally been a high risk industry for insolvency, but most case law and guidance focuses on insolvent contractors.

There is little for contractors facing an insolvent employer. For example, although now out of date, JCT only has a practice note for employers in the event of the insolvency of the…

Definition of zero-carbon is not quite there

Sean Lockie is director and head of sustainability at Faithful+Gould

The past six months has seen the construction industry inundated with requests for consultation on carbon and sustainability.

The latest is a Definition of Zero Carbon Homes and Non-Domestic Buildings which closed last month and a building Regulations Part L consultation planned for later in the year.Since the publication of the…

The end of the golf day

Ross Sturley

Ten things to cut in the recession, before you cut your marketing no.7 – golf days

Mark Twain once described a game of golf as “a good walk spoiled”. Now, it’s not my cup of tea but I know a lot of people do enjoy whacking a few balls around a…

Climate change will change business

Business secretary Peter Mandelson last week announced plans to create the Construction Innovation and Growth Team to assess the strengths of UK construction industry in a low-carbon economy.

The Government is asking business to join its response to climate change and enjoy the economic benefits

Just as the last industrial revolution transformed every aspect of people’s lives, so too will this century’s low-carbon revolution. By the middle of this century, every unit of output in the UK economy will…

No need to live without the fridge


Andrew Bailey takes on the sandal-wearing brigade, lets off steam over solar cooling, and recalls the coolest industry conference ever

It is said that, in China, the second thing a person wants after a television is a fridge. In recession-hit America, the home of the walk-in refrigerator, it seems they are…

The bigger picture


Dan Radford of Parasense warns that simply complying with the letter of the law misses out on potential savings

F-gas regulations are supposed to help our industry manage and contain the substances it uses and support environmental initiatives. As an industry we have known about the regulations for a number of…

Delivering the goods


Martyn Cooper of Ineos Fluor gives an HFC manufacturer’s viewpoint

As the only UK manufacturer of HFCs, Ineos Fluor has signed an ‘F-gas compliance assistance agreement’ with the government’s F-gas Support Team. This enables them to monitor our performance, including communication with customers, via the identification of an F-gas competent person…

A time to lease?

Sean Dixon is head of services and construction for the UK corporate banking team at Royal Bank of Scotland

In the current environment, making construction businesses more profitable through effective investment is more important than ever.

More businesses are asking whether outright ownership is necessary or whether leasing gives a better deal with more flexibility.Businesses are beginning to see the economic benefits of choosing to use the asset rather than…