
Construction News is the leading provider of UK construction industry news, opinion, analysis and events. Founded in 1871, the Construction News celebrated its 150th anniversary in 2021.

CN runs a full programme of annual face-to-face and online events including conferences, award ceremonies, webinars, roundtables and more. We bring contractors, suppliers and clients together to share knowledge, best practice and other industry insight. We honour excellence in the industry through our awards events, which are judged by independent panels.

The magazine was first published as Labour News on 30 August 1871, under founder, Victorian reformer Alsager Hay Hill, aimed at tackling unemployment by printing information about job vacancies. It was first published under its current name during the 1960s.

Today it publishes news on topics impacting the UK construction industry, including sustainability, skills shortages, materials prices, workforce diversity, legal commentary, deep-dive analysis, administrations and contract wins.

Scope of dispute in adjudication and breach of natural justice


Laura Lintott is Of Counsel at the law firm Watson Farley & Williams LLP In Manor Co-Living Ltd v RY Construction Ltd, Manor Co-Living Ltd (“MCL”), as employer under the construction contract, brought a Part 8 claim against RY Construction Ltd (“RYC”) seeking declarations: first, that the adjudicator failed to…

Meeting the minimum standard for fire resistance


Robert Cridford is technical manager at materials supplier Siniat In the wake of the 2017 Grenfell Tower tragedy and the subsequent identification of failings within industry regulations, codes, practices and approval processes, there’s been a major tightening-up of fire-safety legislation over the past few years – and rightly so. The…

Tips on how to avoid construction and engineering disputes


Tom Hawkins is a director in the UK construction solutions practice at FTI Consulting Everyone in the UK construction and engineering industry will remember the serious consequences of the 2008 financial crisis. With multiple projects being cancelled and many companies going out of business, those who survived had to fight…

A cultural shift is the only way to halt construction’s slow death


Melissa Barber is head of people and communications at Beard Construction If, like me, you’re a woman who’s been working in construction for a decade or so, your first experience of a building site was probably less about the job you were doing and more about a feeling of imposter…

Industry should back regulated HVOs to fuel low-carbon future


Andrew Mitchell is head of sustainability for construction at Mace The use of hydrotreated vegetable oil (HVO) in the UK has recently been brought into question, with the Environment Agency currently reviewing its position on the ‘superfuels’. But what is the reality behind the concerns over HVOs? It is safe…

Appeal court highlights final account provision difficulties


Mark Kirke is partner and Lee Lothian is associate at CMS Cameron McKenna Nabarro Olswang A recent decision of the Scottish Inner House considered a number of difficult issues arising from interpretation of the final account provisions of the JCT/SBCC Standard Building Contract (“SBC”). The three-judge court was split on…

Enter the MMC adviser, a new role that could transform construction


Stephen Wightman is UK MMC lead at consultancy Faithful+Gould The growth of modern methods of construction (MMC) has progressed slowly, a key issue being a lack of understanding of its benefits. As MMC only represents about 7 per cent of UK construction, most industry stakeholders lack user experience other than…

Old hierarchies and culture of fear blocking industry shifts on climate


Sara Edmonds is lead technical consultant at Built Environment – Smarter Transformation (formerly Construction Scotland Innovation Centre)  Twelve months ago, we heard at COP26 that it was our last chance to reverse the impact of climate change, but with the follow-up United Nations summit on global warming now underway, we…

The demolition sector is striving to be cleaner – please bear with us!


Ben Griffiths is operations director at Rye Group A recent report from the House of Commons Environmental Audit Committee found that the construction, excavation and demolition industries are responsible for 62 per cent of the UK’s waste. This may be a shocking figure, but not surprising given that construction underpins…

The Met, culture and construction


Sarah Sidey is a director of Randstad’s construction division In the recent interim review into misconduct in the Metropolitan Police, author Baroness Casey identified the need for urgent reform from within the organisation. In a letter to Met commissioner Sir Mark Rowley, she wrote that the public “need to have…