
The latest expert insight and commentary on issues affecting the UK construction sector

The new era of public spending


This year marks the 100th anniversary of the election of the UK’s first Labour government. Ruling with a minority government propped up by the Liberal Party, prime minister Ramsay MacDonald lasted less than a year before the Conservatives swept back to power. Despite the short spell in office, Labour’s administration…

How to build offices fit for the age of flexible working


John Wallace is managing director of construction law firm Ridgemont In 2024, many – if not most – office workers expect their company to offer some form of hybrid working. The benefits of a flexible-working model have been widely discussed: improved productivity, a better work-life balance and reduced burnout, to…

How the government could facilitate a boom in MMC


Suzanne Peters is a research associate at Alliance Manchester Business School Much ink has been spilled chronicling the UK’s shortage of suitable housing options, with even more spent considering the best ways in which it could be tackled. One option often in the spotlight is so-called modern methods of construction…

Are RAAC remediation claims coming – and who foots the bill?


Mark Manning is a partner and Sian Barrett is a senior associate at law firm Ashfords Following the RAAC scandal last year, many expected a mass influx of claims to hit the industry, potentially causing huge headaches for contractors. To much surprise, this hasn’t been the case. Why? And are…

The planning pledge merry-go-round


As coalition education secretary between 2010-2014, Michael Gove gained a reputation for sweeping aside vested interests and bureaucracy to get things done. Housing secretary since 2021, Gove has been robust in taking on recalcitrant developers and freeholders. Whether he can succeed in these areas remains to be seen. But at…

Asbestos in buildings: an unresolved problem


Zoe Cooper is of counsel and Gregor Woods is a partner at law firm CMS On 15 January, the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) launched its ‘Asbestos – Your Duty’ campaign, with the aim of improving understanding of what the legal duty to manage asbestos involves. Even though its use…

The challenges facing renewable projects in 2024


Victoria Peckett is a partner at law firm Clyde & Co As we move ever closer to 2050’s net-zero target, the demand for renewable energy sources is growing. But as 2024 unfolds, it’s a difficult landscape for contractors tasked with bringing renewable projects to life. “In short, it’s going to…

Reinventing apprenticeships in construction: a collective call to action


Ryan Mayor is the early careers development manager at Balfour Beatty National Apprenticeship Week provides an opportunity for the construction and infrastructure industry to reflect on the importance of developing the next generation of skilled professionals. “National Apprenticeship Week beckons us to go beyond celebration and actively engage in reshaping…

Construction to be rententions-free by 2025? Pigs might fly

Rudi Klein chief executive Specialist Engineering Contractors Group

Rudi Klein is a barrister and former chief executive of SEC Group Trade body Build UK boasts it provides leadership to the industry. Some five years ago – egged on by its large tier one contractor members, the Civil Engineering Contractors Association and Construction Products Association – it announced a…

It’s time to act on youth recruitment


Frederik Murphy-Jackson is the founder of FMJ Plastering In the turbulent landscape of the UK construction industry, a pressing concern has emerged: a severe shortage of qualified and skilled tradespeople. The sharp rise in home improvements has magnified the lack of skilled workers within the industry, hampering the timely completion…